Masakane - Let us live together



Masakane - Let us live together


Heike Asmuss hold IP rights over the work. Performing and recording rights are administered by SAMRO (Southern Africa) and GEMA (rest of the world).


Musical work


Surendran Reddy




Masakane - Let us build together is the title of a composition originally written for a proposed Human Rights Oratorio commissioned by the Southern African Music Rights Organisation (SAMRO) for a performance scheduled to take place at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia. Six other South African composers were commissioned to write other sections of the oratorio (Peter Klatzow, Sipho Mabuse, Hans Roosenschoon, Carl van Wyk, Denzil Weale, and Jeanne Zaidel-Rudolph), but it was never completed, and never performed in its entirety. Reddy's section is called 'Part 3: Family and Ownership', subtitled 'Masakane - Let us Build together' and is scored for Baritone solo, SATB choir and full symphony orchestra including xylophone, marimba and synthesizer. Masakane was performed by the KwaZulu Natal Philharmonic Orchestra in Durban in 1996 and received two other amateur performances (with piano rather than orchestral accompaniment) in Germany in 1998. SAMRO published both the vocal score and the orchestral score in 1996. Reddy typset the vocal score in Sibelius in 2001 and made a computer realization of the work (abridged and without voices). In 2009 Reddy revised Masakane with new words for a projected performance at the 2010 FIFA World Cup in Johannesburg, but it was not performed.


a manuscript of the orchestral score, a printed vocal score, a printed orchestral score, numerous digital files of the typset score in progress, several audio recordings.




Surendran Reddy Archive.


Southern African Music Rights Organisation (1996), African Composers Edition (2021)

Alternative Title

Human Rights Oratorio Part 3: Family and Ownership


1996 orchestral manuscript score 84 p, 2001 vocal score 49p, 2009 revised vocal score 66 p.


Box X in the Surendran Reddy Archive

Rights Holder

Heike Asmuss

Temporal Coverage

Masakane 1996 autograph orchestral score p.1 masakane performed live in Germany in 1998